Thursday, 10 October 2013

Term 4

Welcome back to school. I hope everyone had a great holiday.

Things to remember:
Spelling words come home on Fridays
Spelling book is in your book bag every day to LEARN the words
Test on Friday
Poem book is in your bag on Friday night to read the poems to an adult.
Reading log should be signed every night, when school reading material is read, including when poems are read.
Library day is Monday.

Let's try to have healthy lunches with minimum packaging. Packaged food usually contains high levels of either salt or sugar. No sweets and chocolates please.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013


We are going to design a container to keep something special in!!

Monday, 17 June 2013


We had the most incredible day it was cold but we loved every minute!!
What did you enjoy the most??

Friday, 7 June 2013

Bringing things back to school!

We need to remember to bring things back to school!
1. Book Bag every day
2.Journals that we are reading! 
3.Spelling and Poetry books
4. Library books

Please remember to bring them back we waste too much learning time looking for things!!!



Whose teeth are these?

Monday, 27 May 2013